There begs the question as to whether or not this connection of exterior to interior is necessary. As Vidler explains, there is something about a clear connection. He uses the example of the elephant sculpture. In the interior of that sculpture, you are able to identify the things that are able to create the exterior surfaces. Even, if there is not literal connection to the outside, in that you can see out of the interior, you are able to clarify for yourself that you are in fact inside of the elephant sculpture.
Vilder also talked about the more meta-physical aspect of the idea of folding, comparing it to our soul's. There is a certain abstraction with this idea in which we are able to make connections to the fact that certain things "overlap". Not in the literal sense, but more diagrammatically.
Vilder advocates that digital media serves as an invaluable tool served to generate these new complex forms. The computer allows us to explore forms to a complexity unobtainable through more traditional means. This exploration of digital media, provides a platform for exploration; allowing the development of form to push the boundaries of architectural space.
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